PlayStation Portal restock tracker update - 8.45am ET / 12.45pm GMT, March 27
<a href="https://goto.target.com/c/221109/81938/2092?subId1=hawk-custom-tracking&sharedId=hawk&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.target.com%2Fp%2Fplaystation-portal-remote-player-for-playstation-5%2F-%2FA-90033483%23lnk%3Dsametab" data-link-merchant="target.com"">Target, <a href="https://shop-links.co/link?skuId=6562576&publisher_slug=future&exclusive=1&u1=hawk-custom-tracking&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bestbuy.com%2Fsite%2Fsony-playstation-portal-remote-player-white%2F6562576.p%3FskuId%3D6562576&article_name=hawk-article-name&article_url=hawk-article-url" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"" data-link-merchant="target.com"">Best Buy, and <a href="https://target.georiot.com/Proxy.ashx?tsid=8428&GR_URL=https%3A%2F%2Famazon.com%2FPlayStation-Portal-Remote-Player-Gaming-Console%2Fdp%2FB0CJT5DJ16%2F%3Ftag%3Dhawk-future-20%26ascsubtag%3Dhawk-custom-tracking-20" data-link-merchant="Amazon US"" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"" data-link-merchant="target.com"">Amazon (in that order) are the ones to try first today with all three having set off stock alerts readily already today. Following those, we'd hit up <a href="https://goto.walmart.com/c/1943169/565706/9383?subId1=hawk-custom-tracking&sharedId=hawk&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.walmart.com%2Fip%2FPlayStation-Portal-Remote-Player-for-PS5-Console%2F5060699568" data-link-merchant="walmart.com"" data-link-merchant="Amazon US"" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"" data-link-merchant="target.com"">Walmart, and <a href="https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=kXQk6%2AivFEQ&mid=24348&u1=hawk-custom-tracking&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gamestop.com%2Fconsoles-hardware%2Fplaystation-5%2Fconsoles%2Fproducts%2Fsony-playstation-portal-remote-player-for-ps5-console%2F20009075.html" data-link-merchant="gamestop.com"" data-link-merchant="walmart.com"" data-link-merchant="Amazon US"" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"" data-link-merchant="target.com"">GameStop next followed by <a href="https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=kXQk6%2AivFEQ&mid=44583&u1=hawk-custom-tracking&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newegg.com%2Fp%2FN82E16879966008" data-link-merchant="newegg.com"" data-link-merchant="gamestop.com"" data-link-merchant="walmart.com"" data-link-merchant="Amazon US"" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"" data-link-merchant="target.com"">Newegg, <a href="https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=kXQk6%2AivFEQ&mid=38733&u1=hawk-custom-tracking&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.samsclub.com%2Fp%2Fplaystation-portal-remote-player%2FP03031771%3Fxid%3Dplp_product_1" data-link-merchant="samsclub.com"" data-link-merchant="newegg.com"" data-link-merchant="gamestop.com"" data-link-merchant="walmart.com"" data-link-merchant="Amazon US"" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"" data-link-merchant="target.com"">Sam's Club, <a href="https://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-6361382-15326536?sid=hawk-custom-tracking&url=https://www.antonline.com/Sony/Electronics/Gaming_Devices/Gaming_Consoles/1495052" data-link-merchant="antonline.com"" data-link-merchant="samsclub.com"" data-link-merchant="newegg.com"" data-link-merchant="gamestop.com"" data-link-merchant="walmart.com"" data-link-merchant="Amazon US"" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"" data-link-merchant="target.com"">Antonline, <a href="https://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-6361382-15698029?sid=hawk-custom-tracking&url=https://www.macys.com/shop/product/playstation-portal-remote-player-white?ID=17372049" data-link-merchant="macys.com"" data-link-merchant="antonline.com"" data-link-merchant="samsclub.com"" data-link-merchant="newegg.com"" data-link-merchant="gamestop.com"" data-link-merchant="walmart.com"" data-link-merchant="Amazon US"" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"" data-link-merchant="target.com"">Macy's, and <a href="https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/buy-accessories/playstation-portal-remote-player" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"" data-link-merchant="macys.com"" data-link-merchant="antonline.com"" data-link-merchant="samsclub.com"" data-link-merchant="newegg.com"" data-link-merchant="gamestop.com"" data-link-merchant="walmart.com"" data-link-merchant="Amazon US"" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"" data-link-merchant="target.com"">PlayStation Direct.
The UK PlayStation Portal restock situation seems to be holding even though we're seeing retailers come and go. <a href="https://www.prf.hn/click/camref:1011lSfdj/pubref:hawk-custom-tracking/destination:https%3A%2F%2Fdirect.playstation.com%2Fen-gb%2Fbuy-accessories%2Fplaystation-portal-remote-player" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"" data-link-merchant="macys.com"" data-link-merchant="antonline.com"" data-link-merchant="samsclub.com"" data-link-merchant="newegg.com"" data-link-merchant="gamestop.com"" data-link-merchant="walmart.com"" data-link-merchant="Amazon US"" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"" data-link-merchant="target.com"">PlayStation Direct is holding strong so you still have options, while <a href="https://www.awin1.com/awclick.php?awinmid=3090&awinaffid=103504&clickref=hawk-custom-tracking&p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.very.co.uk%2Fplaystation-5-portaltrade-remote-player-for-ps5supregsup-console%2F1600929640.prd" data-link-merchant="very.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"" data-link-merchant="macys.com"" data-link-merchant="antonline.com"" data-link-merchant="samsclub.com"" data-link-merchant="newegg.com"" data-link-merchant="gamestop.com"" data-link-merchant="walmart.com"" data-link-merchant="Amazon US"" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"" data-link-merchant="target.com"">Very has now run out. <a href="https://www.awin1.com/awclick.php?awinmid=22479&awinaffid=103504&clickref=hawk-custom-tracking&p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.currys.co.uk%2Fproducts%2Fsony-playstation-portal-remote-player-and-carry-case-black-bundle-10259498.html" data-link-merchant="currys.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="very.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"" data-link-merchant="macys.com"" data-link-merchant="antonline.com"" data-link-merchant="samsclub.com"" data-link-merchant="newegg.com"" data-link-merchant="gamestop.com"" data-link-merchant="walmart.com"" data-link-merchant="Amazon US"" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"" data-link-merchant="target.com"">Currys has stock this morning, fleetingly, so is worth keeping an eye on today too, before moving onto the current outsiders of <a href="https://target.georiot.com/Proxy.ashx?tsid=8428&GR_URL=https%3A%2F%2Famazon.co.uk%2FSony-1000041537-PlayStation-Portal%2Fdp%2FB0CJJCZMKJ%2F%3Ftag%3Dhawk-future-21%26ascsubtag%3Dhawk-custom-tracking-21" data-link-merchant="Amazon UK"" data-link-merchant="currys.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="very.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"" data-link-merchant="macys.com"" data-link-merchant="antonline.com"" data-link-merchant="samsclub.com"" data-link-merchant="newegg.com"" data-link-merchant="gamestop.com"" data-link-merchant="walmart.com"" data-link-merchant="Amazon US"" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"" data-link-merchant="target.com"">Amazon, <a href="https://www.prf.hn/click/camref:1011lLuAC/pubref:hawk-custom-tracking/destination:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.game.co.uk%2Fen%2Fplaystation-portal-ps5-venom-portal-starter-pack-2939260" data-link-merchant="game.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="Amazon UK"" data-link-merchant="currys.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="very.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"" data-link-merchant="macys.com"" data-link-merchant="antonline.com"" data-link-merchant="samsclub.com"" data-link-merchant="newegg.com"" data-link-merchant="gamestop.com"" data-link-merchant="walmart.com"" data-link-merchant="Amazon US"" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"" data-link-merchant="target.com"">Game, <a href="https://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-6361382-15618761?sid=hawk-custom-tracking&url=https://www.argos.co.uk/product/4652959" data-link-merchant="argos.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="game.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="Amazon UK"" data-link-merchant="currys.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="very.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"" data-link-merchant="macys.com"" data-link-merchant="antonline.com"" data-link-merchant="samsclub.com"" data-link-merchant="newegg.com"" data-link-merchant="gamestop.com"" data-link-merchant="walmart.com"" data-link-merchant="Amazon US"" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"" data-link-merchant="target.com"">Argos, and <a href="https://www.awin1.com/awclick.php?awinmid=31423&awinaffid=103504&clickref=hawk-custom-tracking&p=https%3A%2F%2Fstore.ee.co.uk%2Fproducts%2Fsony-playstation-portal--remote-player-711719580782-HFDK.html" data-link-merchant="ee.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="argos.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="game.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="Amazon UK"" data-link-merchant="currys.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="very.co.uk"" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"" data-link-merchant="macys.com"" data-link-merchant="antonline.com"" data-link-merchant="samsclub.com"" data-link-merchant="newegg.com"" data-link-merchant="gamestop.com"" data-link-merchant="walmart.com"" data-link-merchant="Amazon US"" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"" data-link-merchant="target.com"">EE.
US - jump to retailer links
Check stock at Amazon
Check stock at Best Buy
Check stock at Target
Check stock at Walmart
Check stock at Newegg
Check stock at Antonline
Check stock at GameStop
Check stock at Sam's Club
Check stock at Macy's
Check stock at PlayStation Direct
UK - jump to retailer links
Very - £199
PlayStation Direct - £199.99
Check stock at Amazon
Check stock at Argos
Check stock at Currys
Check stock at Game
Check stock at EE
Jump to the latest prices on some PS Portal alternative devices listed below if you're keeping your options open.
Otherwise, we also have a dedicated guide to the best PlayStation Portal alternatives to look at right now.
We're seeing some semi-regular PlayStation Portal restocks in early 2024 with multiple retailers continuing occasional restock through February. It's often fleeting still, but it feels like it's getting more regular. For the first time in a while now, we've actually seen stock hold for more than a day at two retailers in the UK, for example. Hopefully, this is a sign of things to come.
With the launch of the PlayStation Pulse Explore earbuds and the upcoming PlayStation Pulse Elite headset, we're hoping Sony is ramping up production of the Portal behind the scenes to increase the frequency and availability.
The lack of stock is giving us terrible flashbacks of 2020 and 2021 during the great PlayStation 5 stock shortages when the console first launched. But we're here to help, keeping an eye on the PlayStation Portal restock situation and updating our PS Portal stock tracker regularly.
We're always big advocates for persistence and patience, as it can often be rewarded (especially if you add a dash of luck), so we recommend sticking with trusted retailers like those on this page, and keep trying as you may well get lucky - and never pay the scalpers' prices!
As a reminder of why we love the Portal, we think that it could be, for many folks, a revolutionary device, opening up extra gaming opportunities and time. It's proved so with me and I can't put it down - read more in our full PlayStation Portal review.
Where to buy PlayStation Portal - US
<a href="https://target.georiot.com/Proxy.ashx?tsid=8428&GR_URL=https%3A%2F%2Famazon.com%2FPlayStation-Portal-Remote-Player-Gaming-Console%2Fdp%2FB0CJT5DJ16%2F%3Ftag%3Dhawk-future-20%26ascsubtag%3Dhawk-custom-tracking-20" data-link-merchant="Amazon US"">Check stock at Amazon
The retailer is having a busy period right now and setting off regular stock alerts - keep trying here!
Last restock: March 13/14
<a href="https://shop-links.co/link?skuId=6562576&publisher_slug=future&exclusive=1&u1=hawk-custom-tracking&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bestbuy.com%2Fsite%2Fsony-playstation-portal-remote-player-white%2F6562576.p%3FskuId%3D6562576&article_name=hawk-article-name&article_url=hawk-article-url" data-link-merchant="bestbuy.com"">Check stock at Best Buy
Best Buy is regularly setting off stock alerts and has location-specific stock which could help some folk out.
Last restock: March 1
<a href="https://goto.target.com/c/221109/81938/2092?subId1=hawk-custom-tracking&sharedId=hawk&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.target.com%2Fp%2Fplaystation-portal-remote-player-for-playstation-5%2F-%2FA-90033483" data-link-merchant="target.com"">Check stock at Target
Always worth a look given its location-specific stock, target has seen stock drops frequently since the device launched in November.
Last restock: March 13/14
<a href="https://goto.walmart.com/c/1943169/565706/9383?subId1=hawk-custom-tracking&sharedId=hawk&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.walmart.com%2Fip%2FPlayStation-Portal-Remote-Player-for-PS5-Console%2F5060699568" data-link-merchant="walmart.com"">Check stock at Walmart
We'd say it's not a bad idea to keep an eye on Walmart this week if you prefer to shop there, as we've seen stock flash up here relatively consistently.
Last restock: March 7
<a href="https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=kXQk6%2AivFEQ&mid=44583&u1=hawk-custom-tracking&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newegg.com%2Fp%2FN82E16879966008" data-link-merchant="newegg.com"">Check stock at Newegg
Out of the blue, and not on our bingo card, Newegg has had stock as recently as mid-January so is worth checking in on.
Last restock: February 19/20
<a href="https://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-6361382-15326536?sid=hawk-custom-tracking&url=https://www.antonline.com/Sony/Electronics/Gaming_Devices/Gaming_Consoles/1495052" data-link-merchant="antonline.com"">Check stock at Antonline
The huge PS5 Slim bundle that included a PlayStation Portal and Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has sadly sold out at Antonline now. It's one to keep in mind if you are on the hunt for a bombastic bundle though - and stock has always returned too.
<a href="https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=kXQk6%2AivFEQ&mid=24348&u1=hawk-custom-tracking&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gamestop.com%2Fconsoles-hardware%2Fplaystation-5%2Fconsoles%2Fproducts%2Fsony-playstation-portal-remote-player-for-ps5-console%2F401639.html" data-link-merchant="gamestop.com"">Check stock at GameStop
The gaming retailer is always worth a look for stock even though we haven't seen anything concrete there in a little while. There is currently an 'Add to Cart' button on the page but it isn't functioning right now - might be worth checking on regularly though.
Last restock: March 12
<a href="https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=kXQk6%2AivFEQ&mid=38733&u1=hawk-custom-tracking&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.samsclub.com%2Fp%2Fplaystation-portal-remote-player%2FP03031771" data-link-merchant="samsclub.com"">Check stock at Sam's Club
This is one we saw pop up with stock briefly in December so have decided it's absolutely worth your time to check for restocks too - another retailer to give us an option is never a bad thing, after all.
<a href="https://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-6361382-15698029?sid=hawk-custom-tracking&url=https://www.macys.com/shop/product/playstation-portal-remote-player-white?ID=17372049" data-link-merchant="macys.com"">Check stock at Macy's
The enormous department store is absolutely worth checking out for Portal stock. Its listing page is live currently but it remains unavailable (obviously, sigh).
<a href="https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/buy-accessories/playstation-portal-remote-player" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"">Check stock at PlayStation Direct
The handheld does pop up semi-regularly at the official storefront, but it never lasts long, sadly. Always worth a check though!
Last restock: March 1
Where to buy PlayStation Portal - UK
<a href="https://www.prf.hn/click/camref:1011lSfdj/pubref:hawk-custom-tracking/destination:https%3A%2F%2Fdirect.playstation.com%2Fen-gb%2Fbuy-accessories%2Fplaystation-portal-remote-player" data-link-merchant="direct.playstation.com"">PlayStation Direct - £199.99
There is a genuine PlayStation Portal restock happening right now at the official PlayStation Direct storefront! You'll likely have to be quick though so don't hesitate!
Last restock: March 17
<a href="https://www.awin1.com/awclick.php?awinmid=3090&awinaffid=103504&clickref=hawk-custom-tracking&p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.very.co.uk%2Fplaystation-5-portaltrade-remote-player-for-ps5supregsup-console%2F1600929640.prd" data-link-merchant="very.co.uk"">Very - £199
PlayStation Portal stock is live at Very! Act quickly, as this is the first time in a little while that the retailer has seen inventory, so it's not likely to last.
Last restock: March 19
<a href="https://target.georiot.com/Proxy.ashx?tsid=8428&GR_URL=https%3A%2F%2Famazon.co.uk%2FSony-1000041537-PlayStation-Portal%2Fdp%2FB0CJJCZMKJ%2F%3Ftag%3Dhawk-future-21%26ascsubtag%3Dhawk-custom-tracking-21" data-link-merchant="Amazon UK"">Check stock Amazon
Amazon UK has seen some semi-regular action recently and is absolutely the place to be trying first and foremost right now.
Last restock: March 11
<a href="https://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-6361382-15618761?sid=hawk-custom-tracking&url=https://www.argos.co.uk/product/4652959" data-link-merchant="argos.co.uk"">Check stock at Argos
The PlayStation Portal listing page is back up at Argos, and even though some folks were reporting some luck recently, we haven't seen stock at this retailer ourselves for a little while.
Last restock: Reports of late-February stock but not confirmed
<a href="https://www.awin1.com/awclick.php?awinmid=22479&awinaffid=103504&clickref=hawk-custom-tracking&p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.currys.co.uk%2Fproducts%2Fsony-playstation-portal-remote-player-and-carry-case-black-bundle-10259498.html" data-link-merchant="currys.co.uk"">Check stock at Currys
Sadly, Currys' bundle of the Portal with a Venom carry case has run out - you can register interest but there's no stock available now.
Last restock: March 17
<a href="https://www.prf.hn/click/camref:1011lLuAC/pubref:hawk-custom-tracking/destination:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.game.co.uk%2Fen%2Fplaystation-portal-ps5-venom-portal-starter-pack-2939260" data-link-merchant="game.co.uk"">Check stock at Game
The video game retailer saw stock that lasted days recently, but now it's running on empty once again.
Last restock: March 17
<a href="https://www.awin1.com/awclick.php?awinmid=31423&awinaffid=103504&clickref=hawk-custom-tracking&p=https%3A%2F%2Fstore.ee.co.uk%2Fproducts%2Fsony-playstation-portal--remote-player-711719580782-HFDK.html" data-link-merchant="ee.co.uk"">Check stock at EE
EE is known to stock a variety of gaming gear now so have become a reliable go-to - however just like everywhere else it too is out of PlayStation Portal stock.
Last restock: February 20
We'll do our best to keep the page updated to direct you to the best places to try as stock levels change. If you're still on the fence and need some more focused help working out whether the device is for you, then check out our guide to should you buy a PlayStation Portal, as well as our PlayStation Portal vs Backbone One comparison.
PlayStation Portal alternatives
If you're really keen to pick up a remote play device or a handheld games console like the PlayStation Portal, but need something soon, as a gift for the holidays, or want to bypass the limbo of there being no stock, then we've got the latest, lowest prices below on some fine alternatives.
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Remember though that none of these alternatives will do exactly what the PlayStation Portal offers - streaming PS5 games over the internet from your PS5 to a dedicated handheld device. You can recreate this in principle with the BackBone One controller and your mobile phone, but it's worth reiterating that the below aren't like-for-like replacements.
Where to buy PlayStation Portal - Tips and tricks
I've been keeping an eye on PlayStation Portal restocks since the handheld launched, and also throughout a portion of its pre-order phase too. I've also embedded myself in the Portal community online from regional Facebook groups to the official subreddit channel to immerse myself in all things PS Portal - be it restocks or folks asking for network and internet tips.
As a result, I've seen every single stock drop happen since mid-November, and have picked up some tips and tricks that might help you get to the front of the queue when stock becomes available, or at least give you the best chance in advance.
1. Sign in and save your details at retailers
It's an old one but a good one. Making sure you're signed in and your details are stored at various retailers is something we learned from the PS5 stock shortage days. This will remove a whole step or two from the process and mean you can progress through the purchasing chain of events a bit quicker. It's always worth double-checking that you are signed in after you've not been on retailer websites for a while too; we've tended to check and then re sign in at the beginning of days, for example.
2. Consider retailer memberships
This is a two-pronged tip, in a way. While we haven't seen retailers completely gatekeep Portal restocks behind memberships (so far) like they did with some PS5 restocks, they could - so keep that in mind. However, they can also be effective ways of saving money on Portals when they do become available (relative to the membership's own cost, of course) - we've seen folks save a chunk by activating a membership-exclusive discount at the like of GameStop, for example.
3. Use a restock tracker app
Maybe one of the most useful things to come out of the PS5 restock chaos in 2020 and 2021 was the creation of genuinely-useful restock apps. Many in the PlayStation Portal community have used these to great effect recently too, so it's a proven tip. Some apps will give you simple alerts, while others will attempt to carry out the purchase for you should you load it with the pertinent payment and shipping information in advance. The latter can require subscribing or paying for a 'higher' level of the app.
4. Don't give up
We're not being patronizing with this one! Genuinely, persistence is key in such scenarios and people have been lucky just by repeatedly checking retailers. Combine this with our other tips, and your patience and persistence will likely (eventually) be rewarded.
5. Do not buy from scalpers, marketplace sellers, or 're-seller retailers'
This is always worth remembering and can be crucial in a more general 'stock of popular products' way too. While it can be tempting to suck it up and buy a Portal for a higher price, this just feeds the cycle and keeps scalpers motivated to rip people off. If you have some of that aforementioned patience, then you will get your Portal at the right price; stock drops are still happening regularly so the chances are always improving.
Where to buy PlayStation Portal - FAQs
Is the PlayStation Portal sold out?
As it stands at around 8.45am ET on March 27, the PlayStation Portal is out of stock at all major retailers in the US, but is available at PlayStation Direct in the UK!
How much does the PlayStation Portal remote player cost?
The PlayStation Portal remote player costs $199.99 in the US and £199.99 in the UK. Variations in price will be found across different regions as stock becomes more widely available and rolled out.
Can you use the PlayStation Portal away from home?
Yes! While Sony has largely pushed the PlayStation Portal as a device to use on the same Wi-Fi network as your PS5, if you have a strong enough internet connection (be it Wi-Fi or 5G) then you will be able to use it away from home. I tested this for our review and have consistently used it on 5G - the connection takes a little longer to 'talk' to your PS5 but it works!
When will PlayStation Portal stock return?
It feels a bit like reliving the PS5 stock shortage all over again - we are relying on flashes of stocks without any real official word. The grains of hope we can cling to right now are the consistent restocks at the likes of Amazon, Best Buy, and Walmart which might get flashes of inventory.
Do you need a PS5 to use a PlayStation Portal?
Yes, you absolutely need a PS5 to use a PlayStation Portal. The Portal is exactly that: a window into and a means of mirroring your PS5 so it can only be used in tandem with a PlayStation 5 console.
If you've got a unit and are looking for game recommendations then check out our guide to the best PlayStation Portal games and remember, you might want one of the best wired gaming headsets or a wired PS5 headset to team with your Portal too. If you're on the hunt for other portables, however, then, head over to our guide to the best handheld game consoles you can get right now.

Rob is the Managing Editor of TechRadar Gaming, a video games journalist, critic, editor, and writer, and has years of experience gained from multiple publications. Prior to being TechRadar Gaming's Managing Editor, he was TRG's Deputy Editor, and a longstanding member of GamesRadar+, being the Commissioning Editor for Hardware there for years, while also squeezing in a short stint as Gaming Editor at WePC just before joining TechRadar Gaming. He is also a freelance writer on tech, gaming hardware, video games, gardens, and landscapes and is crowdfunding a book on video game landscapes that you can back and pre-order now too.
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